"At last... simple and EASY power you don't have to work for..."

Who Else Want Another
40-to-60 Effortless Yards On Every Tee Shot, Starting With Your Very Next Drive... Without Trying Or Changing Your Swing Or Practicing Or Even Pretending To Be In Better Shape?

Now you can finally learn the secret behind Jack Nicklaus' ability to use hidden natural power no one else ever learned how to tap!

It's so easy you'll be laughing after every explosive drive! This brilliant new breakthrough by scientific "golf geeks" reveals a breathtakingly simple and super-fast way for you to instantly "trick" your swing to tap the hidden payload of raw power you've been ignoring your entire life!

But hey — don't believe me… because you can check it out for FREE yourself…

From: Dr. Mike O'Leary
Head Golf Nut, OHP

To: Preferred "e-Hotlist" member

Dear Friend:

Well, science has finally come to golf.

Took `em long enough. I mean, you can only waste your time on projects like landing on Mars and curing baldness for so long, before you decide you have to pay some attention to something really serious. Like golf.

And I gotta tell you — you will be astonished and overjoyed at what science has discovered.

Because, for essentially lazy guys like you and me, it simply means we can finally enjoy hitting the longest and straightest tee shots of our lives... without even trying.

In fact... if you'll just give the science-tricks one short glance... I can guarantee...

It Will Turn You Into
A Driving MONSTER. Immediately.

And without changing anything essential in your current swing.

You'll just go from your current "not sure where this drive is gonna go" habits... to "I'm gonna launch this drive right out there, beyond where all you guys hit" confidence. Confidence you can back up, every time. Because you will now possess the POWER to do it. (This power is already hiding inside you, and I don't care how old or out-of-shape you are. That's the beauty of this new discovery!)

Here's what it's all about: There are some new high-tech computer programs out there that are changing everything about the way people play sports. It's an expensive little bugger, so only the top researchers ever get to use this program.

Fortunately for us, one of those researchers is my pal Bill McKinney. Who already knows a ton about hitting longer drives... but who is also vastly obsessed with learning even more. So he went after unlocking the secrets of the best drivers in the game with a passion that would frighten you.

The details of the science are pretty boring, actually. All this geeky language about "extensor takeaway" and "time/space physics" and "sequence wave diagrams" or something. I haven't got a clue what all that means.

But I do understand what all this means for the average golfer:

You, me, your buddies, all of us are sitting on an amazing payload of unused power. Power that's hiding in your back muscles, your arms, all the way down through your legs. If you can walk across the room without falling over, you can access this hidden power.

It's just that no one knows HOW to access your hidden power... at least until this new science was revealed.

And that's what's so exciting — no matter how lazy, or crippled up by aches and pains and arthritis, or out-of-shape you are...

It's Now EASY
To Tap Into This Hidden Power.

Result: You're about to add a TON of serious yardage to your next tee shot. Straight as you can point, too.

Even better... you are NOT going to exert any extra effort when you do it.

Nope. In fact, you're going to FEEL and LOOK like you're swinging SLOWER.

This is the secret that Jack Nicklaus never let anybody else in on. For his entire career, he had the ability to hit long and straight... and then, when the pressure was on, he would simply dig deeper... and hit even longer and straighter when money was on the line.

But what confused everyone... was the fact that, as Jack was putting more power into his drives... it looked like he was swinging SLOWER. This just couldn't be, everyone thought... and so they just chalked it up to mass hallucination.

Even when guys like John Daly and Bobby Clampett do the same thing, it just goes over the "experts" heads. It just cannot be. It doesn't make sense.

Ah, but...

That's Where The Science Geeks
Come To Our Rescue.

See, with all this computer help, they can break down the great swings, and figure out what's going on. And what this computer stuff has revealed will rock your world.

You see... the real power in your tee shot doesn't come from any effort. Nope. It comes from simply doing what most golfers do ACCIDENTALLY once or twice each round: Hit a long, accurate tee shot.

I know you've astonished yourself before with a great shot. I know I have, many times. Trouble is, it's a mystery how I did it. And it's impossible to do it AGAIN.

Unless you have the secret, of course. And, until now, no one did. Even Jack couldn't explain what he was doing.

But Bill McKinney has finally figured it out. You are not going to see this explained in Golf Digest anytime soon, because it's so new. And the implications just scares the pants off most PGA pros — because it means you can start launching the longest drives of your life... without relying on anything the pros can ever teach you.

You can do it yourself now. After just watching what Bill has for you. (The pros hate us for revealing this kind of stuff.)

It really is that simple. And fast.

Here's what we've got for you: I grabbed Bill as soon as he emerged from his computer "hidey hole" with the news that he'd finally broken the code on monster drives... and we went into the video studio to get it all down on tape.

What Bill has discovered will change your golf game instantly. He explains it all on the tape... but more important, he shows you HOW TO DO IT, fast and easy. So you can actually go out and hit farther and straighter — a LOT farther and straighter — the very next time you hit the course. Tomorrow, if you like.

You won't change your swing. You won't have to start any exercise program, or lose any weight, or start taking steroids. Because what shape you're in doesn't matter.

The only thing Bill is about to show you... is how to find, and tap into, the hidden power source inside your body. It's there, sleeping. All you gotta do is tickle it, wake it up... and then go play golf.

The rest will be the stuff of your golfing buddies' nightmares.

And all you have to do is WATCH these DVDs.

Don't believe me? Fine. You don't have to.

Because you don't risk a penny checking it all out for yourself. Just order this special DVD package, and take your sweet time proving it to yourself. Take a full 90 DAYS , in fact. You have a...

Complete 3-MONTH Unconditional
100% Money-Back Guarantee!

If you aren't convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that what Bill has for you is (1) the easiest secret to hitting longer and straighter drives you've ever seen, and (2) it really can happen immediately and without effort... then I insist you send the material back to me (in any condition)... and I will personally make sure you get a fast, full refund of every penny you paid for the package.

No questions asked, and no hassles. Your word is gold around here.

Why am I being so generous? Simple. You know I love golf as much as you do. But what I love even more... is putting one over on the "experts" out there who think they know so much.

It's just immensely gratifying to me that our little company, OHP, here in the hinderlands of central California... consistently humiliates and proves the "experts" wrong. And all we do is reveal the honest and true secrets of great golf.

It all starts with great drives, of course. And if you've ever dreamed of launching drives 40 to 60 yards longer... literally on your very next shot... then you are gonna flip when you learn what Bill has for you.

Here's what to do right now: Simply click on the link below...

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Or if you would like to use your credit card you can call us at:

1-888-665-6961 Dept. AV-605

...Tell the operator you want "Bill McKinney's Avalanche of Power" package.

The package we've set aside for you will be rush-shipped. If you hurry, you can have it before your next round.

OHP Direct Dept. AV-605
606 E. Acequia Ave.
Visalia, CA 93292

What we'll send you is a DVD-package that will bring you more joy than you ever dreamed possible. Bill calls it "Avalanche of Power", for good reason — the way he shows you how to swing more slowly, merely allowing all this hidden power to flood into your swing, is like experiencing an avalanche in your body.

Man, it's fun. You will suddenly look, and FEEL like one of the best golfers on the planet. And you'll have the distance and accuracy to back it up.

You must hurry, however. We are being careful NOT to let the golf magazines and other PGA pros even know we're on to this secret. So we have duplicated only a small number of these packages (just under 200 total)... and we are ONLY releasing them to recognized guys like you on our Insider "e-HotList" of best customers.

If you mess around, and order late, you may miss out.

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Actually, I've earmarked one of these packages for you and told my staff to expect your call... but if they don't hear from you by the end of next week... well, they have permission to "un-earmark" your package, and give it to the next person behind you in the line.

Don't let that happen.

This is big, for anyone who loves golf... and wants to play the absolute best (and longest) game they are capable of. This information will instantly give you access to power you never dreamed you had... and the result will be more fun, more distance, and lower scores. And ain't that what it's all about?

Call right now, while this letter is in your hands. You don't risk a penny.


Doc O'Leary

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P.S. Okay — let me sweeten the deal for you. While we were filming Bill, I insisted on doing a little unauthorized "extra" taping. I had Bill go through seven of his most amazing "specialty shots"... the ones that have saved him thousands of strokes around the green. He reveals how to hit fluffy lies like they were teed up for you... how to lob downhill lies like a touring pro... when to use "brakes" on a bump-and-run shot (when there's no room for the usual shot)... how to land difficult lobs like a butterfly settling on the green... how to NEVER AGAIN "chunk" or "skull" a tight lie... the secrets of a full-swing bunker shot when you're still far away... and lots more.

This is added "bonus" footage that I'll put into your package... and it's yours FREE to keep, even if you later decide to return the main video. Just my gift, because us golf nuts have to stick together. You're gonna love having these very-cool and easy skills available on your next round. They will save you multiple shots, and keep your score tiny.

WARNING: I have told my duplication house to add this "bonus" footage into only 88 DVD-packages. So it's first-come, first-served, and they're gonna go fast. You better call now.

This is the stuff that golf is all about.

Bill McKinney's
Avalanche Of Power
only $69.00
plus shipping and handling

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