From: Doc O'Leary
Head Golf Nut, OHP
Dear Fellow Golf Nut:
Prepare yourself to enjoy golf like never before
And to be admired (and envied) by all your golf buddies with a simplified swing that will absolutely knock their socks off. What's cool about this new "Move It Out" method is that it:
Okay... most golfers have stumbled across one or two great golf games in their lives...
In fact, there's a reason you may shoot particularly well one day and absolutely horrible the next... and never understand WHY. That's what drives amateurs nuts – it just seems impossible to understand why you do good on one shot and terrible the next.
Well I've got a very simple "fix"to everything that's ever been wrong with your game. It's the key to knocking massive numbers off your score, launching longer straighter drives, and adding 40 to 60 accurate yards to every club in your bag.
But here's the thing... before I can get you to that magical place, I first need you to answer a couple of simple questions. Here they are:
Here's why I ask: The difference between a "great" golfer – one with a low handicap – and an elite PGA tour player is, (and you may find this shocking)...
Yep... the difference is HUGE... more than you'd ever imagine!
Why? Because most ANY player can become a "great" golfer (which I'll PROVE to you in a bit), but very, very few can become tour players.
Here's some more truth: You don't need to be skilled, flexible, or even in good shape to keep a low handicap... nail deadly accurate fairway woods and iron shots to the green... even hammer 250 to 300+ yard drives off every tee (and look damn good doing it). The ONLY thing you need is a dependable, repeatable, uncomplicated swing that doesn't require continual "maintenance" (which I'll also show you how to get if you just hear me out).
On the other hand... the tour player's swing is a fickle and carefully constructed "work-of-art" – a virtual house of cards that's as unstable as weapons-grade plutonium. The professional practices 8 to 10 hours per day – every day – just to KEEP this swing "fresh". And even then there's no guarantee it'll perform in a clutch.
I'm not making this up. Anyone who follows the PGA tour knows that the pros – Tiger, Mickleson, Els, Vijay, ALL of them – are constantly working hard to "hang onto" their swing.
And yet what's so astonishing (and this too will blow you away) is that the scoring difference between a great golfer, (a guy who plays maybe a few times a month)... and a PGA tour player is as little as a half dozen strokes per round.
You heard right...
It's something scientists call the "law of diminishing returns"– which basically means the first 90% of something is relatively easy – but the final 10% is a real killer.
Okay... think of it like climbing Mount Everest. An average climber (even guys like me and you), can get to a high basecamp without much trouble. Sure, there needs to be some training with the ropes and equipment, but most guys can make it to within a few hundred yards of the top without much fuss.
On the other hand, getting to the summit – all the way to the very peak – means climbing through what experts call the "death zone" – and it means the average climber should forget about getting all the way to the top.
So it is with golf. ALL tour players know it's relatively easy to become a "great" golfer – it's that final six strokes that's the run to the summit – the golfer's "death zone". It requires the kind of grueling sacrifice that most golfers cannot (or will not) endure.
Okay, so what's all this got to do with you? Only this. If you'll just trust me, I can show you the ONE simple secret to stripping away all the complex mechanics and "thinking" in your swing for the quickest "no-brainer" path to a dependable, repeatable, uncomplicated swing that doesn't require continual "maintenance".
What I've got here for you...
Do yourself a favor and get onboard while you can.
It's all part of my brand new "Move It Out" instructional DVD package – and it's the fastest way humanly possible to a low handicap and a smoother more "simplified" golf swing.
Yes, some golfers have called this Move It Out method "a little weird" because it's almost TOO simple (most golfers feel strange using the words "golf" and "simple" in the same sentence). But it sure doesn't LOOK weird... in fact your swing will be more consistent, repeatable, and powerful than ever before.
Alright... here's the story behind this amazing "Move It Out" breakthrough: Recently I got a call from a member of the prestigious Atlanta National Golf Club, (yeah... it's nice having "insider" golf connections), and I was absolutely THRILLED to hear that a one-time touring pro was willing to step forward and spill the ONE simple pro secret to simplifying the golf swing.
The pro's name is Clark Spratlin. You may have never heard of him, but PGA tour pros have nothing but respect for this guy. Because Clark isn't some golf hack wannabe who just talks a good game. He's a real PGA pro – a tour player with 12 Professional victories... three time participant in the PGA Professional National Championship... the only three-time Georgia PGA Match Play Champion... he holds the competitive course record (a 64 for pete's sake) in the North Carolina Open... and he shot an incredible 63 at Pine Lakes, Jekyll Island Golf Club.
A 63! Think about that...
It's why he's so well respected among fellow professional golfers. In fact, just before I hooked up with him, Clark had finished-up playing one-on-one with a certain 3-time Master's winner who (for my own good) I won't mention by name. But considering that Masters champions don't typically play friendly head-to-head matches with just anyone should convince you that Clark Spratlin is the real deal.
Yes, Clark was playing his way to top of the golf world alright... until...
No... it wasn't a sports injury... or a sudden mental meltdown... or a tragic amputation or anything like that. It was in fact something quite wonderful. You see, he had TRIPLET girls.
Okay... technically it was his wife who had the triplets, but for those of us who've had our kids one at a time, you can imagine what kinda job Clark suddenly had on his hands. It was lights out... game over... tour cancelled. Pack up the clubs and head back home.
But believe it or not...
Because between mixing formula, burping babies, and changing diapers – Clark was eagerly snapped up as Head Pro by the exclusive Atlanta National Golf Club – and there he discovered that he absolutely LOVED teaching golf.
Some guys can teach... some guys can play... and some rare individuals (like Clark) can actually teach and play.
But what really caused a stir was the WAY Clark was teaching. His approach is completely different from ANYTHING you've ever seen. After "the school of hard knocks" that all touring pros endure, he understood better than anyone else that the average high-handicapper cannot hire a coach and spend 8-10 hours a day, 7 days a week honing some complex "delicate daisy" of a swing. It just can't happen.
So Clark was one of the few pros who understood that most amateurs would be tickled pink with a simple, consistent swing that worked when they needed it – and got them into a single-digit handicap.
That's where he went to work – stripping away all the complexities of a "tour player's swing", and boiling it all down to one easy lesson that instantly installs a simple, consistent, repeatable swing. His students were thrilled to suddenly be on the fast-track to "great" golf.
And indeed, the results have been nothing short of astonishing. With over 10,000 student lessons under his belt, Clark has literally PROVEN that his "Move It Out" method for simplifying the golf swing WORKS. It's almost like magic!
Practically OVERNIGHT – and with very little practice (a small bucket of balls is all you'll need), rookie golfers (who had practically zero chance at a low handicap), suddenly possessed a swing that was simple... mega-powerful... and automatic. No more "thinking"... no more complex "sequencing" of your hips and pivot... no more sweating bullets on the tee box with a half dozen on-lookers. Nope, this one secret (which you'll get nailed-down fast), instantly ends all that.
"Move It Out" is...
And the results speak for themselves. Longer more consistent drives, clean fairway shot whisked effortlessly off the turf... and straighter shots for dead-on accuracy and lower scores. I don't care if you're handicap is 3 or 33 – Clark's one "Move It Out" lesson will dramatically simplify your swing for longer drives, pinpoint accuracy, and that professional, effortless, "smooth as butter" swing.
Look... if I tried to explain HOW this works I'd just "muck it up" and really screw up your thinking. You've simply GOT to see this – which is why I'm making it as easy as possible for you to get your hands on this.
So I'm taking all the chances and placing...
I'm doing this to PROVE to you that you CAN and WILL simplify your swing so easily that – after just ONE small bucket of balls – you'll be hitting with a massive new infusion of power... nailing and "shaping" shots with astonishing accuracy... and finally playing the kind of "great" golf you've only dreamed of.
You probably won't become a PGA touring pro... but who really cares? You will be outplaying, outscoring and outdriving ALL your golf buddies – and what's better than that? It's just so sweet when your game gets this good.
So here's the deal: I could talk your ear off about how amazing this stuff is, and how fast it will change your game. But I know you better than that. I know you won't really believe me... until you see it all for yourself.
Well... I can't drive over and show you... and I sure can't explain it all in this short message.
So I've arranged the next best thing: We videotaped Clark giving his infamous "Move It Out" lesson. I have one of these instructional DVD packages waiting here for you right now. It's earmarked with your name. And I will have my assistant rush-ship it out to you, today. Just give the word.
What you'll see will change your golfing life forever. The first part explains step-by-step everything you need to know to simplify your swing. Clark's instruction is packed with simple drills that'll literally force you to strip away any unwanted nonsense in your swing. It doesn't take long and it doesn't matter how your swing looks right now. In less time than it takes to get dressed and drive to the course, you'll have everything you need "installed" into your body. Take 12 minutes at the range to cement everything in place...
Sounds good, huh?
You don't even have to trust me on this. You can take SIX FULL MONTHS to decide. Use what Clark shows you all season, and even into the next one. If... at any time over the next 6 months, and for any reason (or for no reason at all)... you feel this ain't working for you... just return the package. I'll rush you every penny of your purchase price NO QUESTIONS ASKED. No hassles either.
So you don't risk a penny, which means that this is exactly like getting a six month FREE peek at this incredible material. That's how confident I am – I don't believe you're going to part with Clark's instruction for anything.
Once you get your hands on this much power, accuracy and consistency, you'll be a fan for life. That's what happened to me.
Here's what to do now: Just click on the "Yes" button below.
The price is just $69 and it's all available on DVD, as soon as you order --
The package we've set aside for you will be rush-shipped by return mail. If you hurry, you can have it before your next round.
However... you cannot put this off. We've only duplicated a small number of these special packages – 177, to be exact. Why? Because Clark's "bread and butter" is teaching personal lessons – and he just doesn't want to shoot himself in the foot here. I'm sure you can understand that. But he DID want to help out guys like you on my "hotlist" (like I said – my little company has a darn good reputation).
So there's just 177 packages to go around. Right now -- because you're on my exclusive "hotlist" --you're high on the list. But if we don't hear from you in 3 days... we'll release the package we set aside for you to the guy below you on the list.
So you can't mess around. If you wait, you may never get to see this astonishing secret.
It's a madhouse in the office this time of year – so don't risk letting this opportunity get away from you.
Dr. Mike O'Leary
P.S. Oh... almost forgot... one last thing! If you hurry, I'll throw in an added bonus DVD package that you'll absolutely LOVE. It's called "Hybrid Juice" and will show you how to combine your new "Move It Out" distance and power with one of these new hybrid clubs.
In less than 15 minutes Clark will PROVE that you can toss your 2, 3, and 4 irons right out of your bag forever and replace them with one special club. This new hybrid club technology is damn exciting... but a lot of amateur golfers are still trying to "figure it out". Now YOU'LL be one of the few who knows (and it's EASY).
Okay... this isn't some sales pitch to get you to buy a club or anything like that. No. Clark's a teacher, not a salesman. Teaching is in his blood... and this is just one more way of getting you into that sweet spot of "great" golf as quickly as possible. That's his only goal.
So now you'll be able to tee it up and nail the middle of the fairway – then use your "secret weapon" hybrid club to hit your second shot with equal power and accuracy. It's a powerful combination that will dramatically lower your scores and make you look like a golfing genius quickly.
I'll include this "Hybrid Juice" bonus DVD package with your "Move It Out" package for FREE. Keep it, even if you return the rest for a full refund. But you've got to hurry – there's just 177 packages total – and orders are already coming in over here.
Don't Wait. Order Now!