Shaft Tilt Drill

Alright, here’s a simple video tip from golf pro Les Johnson
that’ll show you how to add more power and distance to all your
shots…by simply focusing on ‘ONE-FINGER’. That’s right…

Okay…Your club has a payload of power already
waiting inside of it.

It’s just that most golfers ‘un-load’ their power
waay before they get to the ball…Simple to fix!

The key is not to allow this’ONE-FINGER’ to “disconnect” from
the shaft by activating the arms and hands during the down-stroke.
Look…”speeding up your hands” and throwing the clubhead at the
ball is killing all your power and distance.

Forget it… it doesn’t work.

Watch this cool video tip to stop killing all your power…

If you would like to purchase Les Johnson’s High Thrust Power Video Package, simply click on the link below.

Les Johnson’s High Thrust Power

Til next time… for better golf.

Doc O’Leary
Head Golf Nut, OHP Golf

Impact Zone Training

Hello again, it’s Doc…Good News — another golf video tip for you
from golf pro Bill McKinney to tap greater distance & power from your
swing — and learn to consistently find the “sweet-spot” at impact…

What Bill has for you is (1) the easiest secret to hitting longer
and straighter drives you’ve ever seen.

Well, guess what?

All great ‘ball-strikers’ have one thing in COMMON…
…perfect impact alignments — forward lean at the moment of truth.

You see, most handicap golfers on the other hand get too eager to hit
the ball with the clubhead, Closing the club face too early. The result
is that the wrists breakdown before impact (something called “throw-away”). The “Hackers” trademark…

Okay…focus on cleaning up your impact conditions — and you’ll
see your swing improve quickly.

Do yourself a favor…Try It Out!

Simply train your hands where they need to be at impact
with Bill’s “Impact Zone Training” drill. Pre set the club at release
point, move through impact into follow-through. As you make contact
the clubhead will naturally “lag” behind your hands. This is a
great drill to do in the back yard with plastic practice balls
and it forces you to keep you right wrist bent at impact.

To discover more: Click On This Link

Till next time… for better golf.

Head Golf Nut, OHP