Bridge Stroke Drill To Tap More Power Into Your Drives

Fixing your driver swing can be pretty difficult if you just hit drives all day. A full speed driver swing happens so fast you have virtually no time to recognize problems or fix what you are doing wrong.

This is where the “bridge stroke” comes in handy. This simple power pitch shot is slow enough that you can diagnose problems, yet similar enough to a full swing that it will fix problems you have with your drives (and even add more distance).

In this quick video Golf Pro Bobby Schaeffer will show you exactly how to use the bridge stroke to fix your swing and add tons of power and distance to your golf drives.

As you can see in the video the bridge stroke slows down the most common trouble spot in the golf swing. It educates your hands teaching your left wrist to stay flat through impact, while at the same time teaching you to use your core pivot to add power.

One of the secrets of this golf drill is keeping your shoulders and neck loose. The power in the golf swing comes from your core pivot not your arms. When you tense up your neck and shoulders you have a tendency to use your arms to hit the ball.

Using your arms to swing the golf club robs massive power from your swing. So stay loose and let your core do the work.

Just remember to keep that left wrist flat through impact. Don’t let your wrist flop over after impact. You have to keep your left wrist flat into your follow through.

Now go out there and have some fun. I know you will get some extra yardage out of this drill. For more information on hitting longer drives Click Here.

For better Golf,
Doc O’Leary,
Head Golf Nut, OHP Golf