How Disappearing Hands Can Fix Your Golf Swing

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Hey Fellow Golf Nut,

Doc here with one of the simplest ways to see if you are swinging “on plane.”

Swinging on plane will make all your shots more powerful and consistent. It will make your pitch shots deadly accurate and your drives long and straight.

On the other hand, swinging off plane will make your golf shots erratic and weak. You will be forced to play the kind of “army golf” that you swear is just for those other duffers on the course.

Often times the biggest difficulty amateur golfers have is simply knowing whether or not they are swinging on plane (and if they aren’t how to fix it). The golf swing happens so fast that it can be nearly impossible for anyone but a professional golfer to recognize the slightest of mistakes that are robbing power and accuracy.

This is where PGA Pro Bill McKinney’s “disappearing hands” trick comes into play.

In the following video Bill McKinney is going to show you how to make sure your hands are “disappearing” after contact with the golf ball. Your hand position, during and after impact with the ball, is a great indicator of whether your swing is on plane or not.

Okay I know this sounds a little strange but if you watch the video I promise it will make perfect sense.

The best part about this trick is that you don’t need a pro watching your swing to see what you are doing wrong. You can have one of your golfing buddies or even some guy at the range (he’ll be delighted to learn this trick too) simply stand behind you and watch.

It’s so simple a 5 year old could do it. Check out the video below.

It’s really that simple. This is a great way to fix your golf swing quickly and easily.

Stay tuned to my blog for more simple tips on how to start hitting longer and straighter golf shots.

For better Golf,

Doc O’Leary

Head Golf Nut, OHP

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2 thoughts on “How Disappearing Hands Can Fix Your Golf Swing

  1. I think that there is really two atcoins that initiate the golf swing. They are the pulling’ down by the upper body/shoulders and the start of the rotation of the hips. In order for a golfer to hit the ball nearly facing the target line, the hips have to be cleared. This _requires_ that the hips move ahead of (or at minimum) faster than the shoulders. Since the latter is almost impossible to pull off, the former is the solution. The hips lead the body rotation.Personally, If I lead with my upper body, nasty, nasty stuff happens If I lead with the hips and pull the club down into the slot, beauty can be achieved. As a previous tennis and baseball player The atcoins are almost identical to golf and in those sports the hips also lead first. As mentioned before this increases the torque release (spring) in the rotation, and builds the lag needed for the release to catch’ up with the rest of the inertia developed in the swing.Wow, that got technical in a hurry.

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