Simple Golf Workstation Drill For Longer, Straighter Drives

As you can see in the video this “work station” that you can easily set up on the driving range can help you fix several problems and get you hitting longer, straighter drives.

The best part is you only need two spare clubs and a handful of golf balls.

The first step is to lay a club between your stance pointing at the ball and perpendicular to your target. This lets you to easily glance down and see where the ball is in your stance (forward, back, or center).

Next lay a club parallel to your target line and about 6 inches away from the ball. This makes it much easier to see your target line while you are looking down.

Place a few golf balls along your target line downrange. Place the first ball 2 feet in front of the ball you are going to hit. Place the next ball 2 feet from that one, and so on.

The final step is to place a few golf balls behind you, along your swing path. The first one should be about 3 feet behind you along your swing path. The next 2 a few more feet back along your swing path.

The video shows pretty clearly what the swing path should look like. Your current swing path may not look like this (even if you think it does) so give this drill a shot. This workstation is designed to make it easy to visually check and make sure your golf swing is following the correct path.

As Bill describes in the video the first ball that is placed behind the golf ball you are hitting teaches you to have a low take away. The phrase low and away is a great way to remind yourself of this.

The back of your club should tap that ball out of the way as you take the golf club back to the top of your back swing. A low take way forces you to use your core and pivot to start your back swing (one of the keys to great golf). To practice this you can even let your club drag on the ground a bit in the take away.

This drill helps you on your down swing too. The balls placed along your swing path will help you see if you are coming over the top (swinging from outside to inside) or laying off (an exaggerated inside out swing).

For another one of Bill McKinney’s free golf instruction videos click here. Be sure to come back next week for another great video tip.

For Better Golf,
Doc O’Leary
Head Golf Nut, OHP Golf

Power Loading Your Golf Swing

If you want to add more yards to your drives you need to make sure the power in your golf swing is coming from a strong base. The base in any golf swing is the ground beneath your feet. This video will explain how you can use the ground beneath you to supercharge your golf swing and hit longer drives.

As Golf Pro Bill McKinney explained in the video the power in a golf swing comes from the ground up.

You need to have a strong stable base to deliver all that power you build up in your swing. This power is useless unless you have a strong base to deliver it from. Like Bill said in the video not having a strong base is like firing a cannon from a row boat.

You may be thinking that just because you are standing on the ground you have a strong base. This is simply not true. Yes we are all standing on the ground (it’s pretty tough not to) but standing there is much different than being firmly planted on the ground.

The video shows you how bending your knees a bit and staying on the balls of your feet allows you to literally push off the ground to deliver all that swing power into the golf ball at the moment of impact.

Although it might not seem like much simply extending your knees as you connect with the ball adds tons of power to your golf swing. It really puts your body weight behind the shot. Its little movements like this that help you to get huge distance out of your drives.

One of the biggest keys to using the ground to develop more powerful golf shots is making sure you are not casting (releasing your wrists too early). To maximize the power in your golf swing you have to hold the release back until the right moment. This is hard to explain without pictures so watch the video a few times to see what I am talking about.

Like Bill McKinney explains in the video the loading (bending) of the shaft is one of the most powerful things you can use in your golf swing. Casting releases any shaft loading prematurely.

Holding back the release until the right time and simultaneously using a strong stance as a base enables you to deliver massive power into the golf ball. It’s a waste to lose any of this golf swing power because your feet are firmly planted in the ground.

Go out and practice using the ground as part of your swing. I know you will be happy with the extra power and distance.

For better Golf,
Doc O’Leary
Head Golf Nut, OHP Golf

Hit Longer Golf Drives By Tucking Your Elbow

If you want to hit longer drives this is truly one of the easiest ways to do it. Bill McKinney makes this golf swing tip really easy to understand. Check out the video below.

As golf pro Bill McKinney explains in the video you should try to keep your elbows straight while you take the club back. This loads your golf swing with tons of power. Be sure to fold your arms (bend your elbows) late in the backswing.

When you start your down swing focus on getting that right elbow (left elbow for you lefties) tucked into your belly button. This keeps your hands out in front of the club head, a very powerful position.

As you saw in the video the trick is to tuck that right elbow into your belly button during the release point of your golf swing.

You also want to think about your body position during the golf swing. As explained in the video you want your body to be in a hit the ball high position (torso tilted back), while keeping your hands, and the golf club, in a hit the ball low attitude (keeping your hands out in front lowers the loft of the club).

This will give your drives the proper launch angle with low spin. If you do all this you will hit longer drives.

The real secret behind tucking the elbow on your tee shots is that it forces you to keep your hands in front of the club head. By keeping your hands out in front you will prevent yourself from releasing your hands too early and leaking power out of your swing. If you want to hit longer drives you have to save up all your power until you make contact with the ball.

Go out to the range and hit a few golf balls using this trick. I know you will start hitting longer drives if you use this technique.

If you love to hit longer drives stay tuned to my blog for more free golf tips from the best golf instructors in the business.

For Better Golf,
Doc O’Leary
Head Golf Nut, OHP Golf

Hit Longer Golf Shots With Better Balance

Balance is crucial to hitting consistent and powerful golf shots. I talk a lot about developing your golf swing power from the ground up (not through the arms); well if you don’t have good balance you are building your swing on unsteady ground. A big no no.

In this video golf professional Bill McKinney shows you the absolute easiest way to improve the balance of your golf swing. This simple little golf drill is so easy you can do it at home, in your back yard, or in your garage with some wiffle balls. The best part is you probably have all the materials you need in your garage right now (and by materials I mean a 3 ft. long 2×2 or 2×4). Check out the video below.

This simple tip gives you a cheap and easy way to improve you golf swing by forcing your body to learn how to balance itself during a golf swing. All you need to do is simply address the golf ball with the board under your feet (check out the video if you can’t visualize this) and make a couple of pitch shots. You may be a bit wobbly at first, but your body will figure out how to balance itself after some practice.

Teaching yourself how to balance your body during the golf swing is crucial. Proper balance gives you the ability to create massive power to put into your golf swing. This is how the pro develop enough power to consistently hit 300+ yard tee shots. It may seem simple (and it actually is), but if you never practice your golf swing balance you will never be able to improve it.

Stay tuned for more great tips. Till Next Time…

For Better Golf,
Doc O’Leary
Head Golf Nut, OHP Golf

How Disappearing Hands Can Fix Your Golf Swing

Hey Fellow Golf Nut,

Doc here with one of the simplest ways to see if you are swinging “on plane.”

Swinging on plane will make all your shots more powerful and consistent. It will make your pitch shots deadly accurate and your drives long and straight.

On the other hand, swinging off plane will make your golf shots erratic and weak. You will be forced to play the kind of “army golf” that you swear is just for those other duffers on the course.

Often times the biggest difficulty amateur golfers have is simply knowing whether or not they are swinging on plane (and if they aren’t how to fix it). The golf swing happens so fast that it can be nearly impossible for anyone but a professional golfer to recognize the slightest of mistakes that are robbing power and accuracy.

This is where PGA Pro Bill McKinney’s “disappearing hands” trick comes into play.

In the following video Bill McKinney is going to show you how to make sure your hands are “disappearing” after contact with the golf ball. Your hand position, during and after impact with the ball, is a great indicator of whether your swing is on plane or not.

Okay I know this sounds a little strange but if you watch the video I promise it will make perfect sense.

The best part about this trick is that you don’t need a pro watching your swing to see what you are doing wrong. You can have one of your golfing buddies or even some guy at the range (he’ll be delighted to learn this trick too) simply stand behind you and watch.

It’s so simple a 5 year old could do it. Check out the video below.

It’s really that simple. This is a great way to fix your golf swing quickly and easily.

Stay tuned to my blog for more simple tips on how to start hitting longer and straighter golf shots.

For better Golf,

Doc O’Leary

Head Golf Nut, OHP

Tee Box Control Drill

Dear Fellow Golf Nut,

Doc here with another Golf Tip for you.

This one comes from my good friend Billy McKinney.

I call it The Tee Box Control Drill, and this drill will give you a confidence boost like no other right from the start of each hole!

I’ll tell you what, when I first learned about this drill I tried it out on the driving range by taking my time with each shot I took.

Visualizing everything from a dog leg left with water hugging the left side of the bend, to a dog leg right with a bunker lying right in front of my targeted flag stick.

After only one bucket of balls, I went out and had my best round of golf in months, my golfing pals were all left stunned in amazement on how low my score was.

It was all they could talk about back at the clubhouse!

Anyways in this tip, Billy shows you how ball placement at the start of every tee shot can effectively help your game and boost your confidence by providing you with the best shot possible down the fairway.

Simple and VERY effective.

Check it out.

If you would like to purchase Billys’s Avalanche of Power Video Package, which this tip was taken from, simply click on the link below.

Bill McKinney’s Avalanche of Power

Till next time… for better golf.

Doc O’Leary
Head Golf Nut, OHP Golf

Impact Zone Training

Hello again, it’s Doc…Good News — another golf video tip for you
from golf pro Bill McKinney to tap greater distance & power from your
swing — and learn to consistently find the “sweet-spot” at impact…

What Bill has for you is (1) the easiest secret to hitting longer
and straighter drives you’ve ever seen.

Well, guess what?

All great ‘ball-strikers’ have one thing in COMMON…
…perfect impact alignments — forward lean at the moment of truth.

You see, most handicap golfers on the other hand get too eager to hit
the ball with the clubhead, Closing the club face too early. The result
is that the wrists breakdown before impact (something called “throw-away”). The “Hackers” trademark…

Okay…focus on cleaning up your impact conditions — and you’ll
see your swing improve quickly.

Do yourself a favor…Try It Out!

Simply train your hands where they need to be at impact
with Bill’s “Impact Zone Training” drill. Pre set the club at release
point, move through impact into follow-through. As you make contact
the clubhead will naturally “lag” behind your hands. This is a
great drill to do in the back yard with plastic practice balls
and it forces you to keep you right wrist bent at impact.

To discover more: Click On This Link

Till next time… for better golf.

Head Golf Nut, OHP

The Power Swing Trigger

Ready for something really easy to gain more distance off the tee?
I thought you would be…

Okay…you need to find a way to stay really loose, because tension
is the #1 killer of power in the golf swing…

The best way to stay loose is to create a “Swing-Trigger” for yourself.
The key is to create some motion…to help start your swing. (It’s
like dribbling a basketball before you shoot a free-throw -it helps
to stay loose and gives you some rhythm.)

So if you want to see an easy way to tap into more distance, watch this video clip:

Til next time… for better golf.

Doc O’Leary

Tee it high… let it fly.

Another golf tip that’ll help you improve your
game – and get you on the path to finally beating and
humiliating ALL your golf partners.

Often times my playing partners scratch their heads, mumbling
to themselves about how high I tee-up the ball. They wonder how
I’m ever gonna hit the ball because (in their minds) it’s teed
up TOO high. Well they don’t know the secret behind the geometry –
and teeing it high actually gives me an extra edge.

Here’s how it’s done.

1.) Tee you ball up high, about 2x usual height, using the 3-1/4″ tee.

2.) Hold the driver above the ground aligning the ball with the sweet spot on the club face during approach/ or set-up.

3.) Now, simply relax your wrists allowing the club head to fall to the ground..notice the club head is not directly behind the ball…it should be lined up more on the toe of the club.

4.) Note the higher the ball is teed up the farther the club head will be from the ball…this will allow the correct geometry to take place especially at impact.

Here’s some of the good things that’ll happen when you tee it high: You’ll suddenly be able to fully extend your arms through the shot for a FULL swing and proper wrist conditions at impact. So you’ll finally have more freedom to take a big swing through the ball.

Also, research has shown that with today’s “big-face” driver’s the “sweet” spot is slightly higher on the face — so teeing it high will be to your advantage. You’ll get a stronger, flatter and ultimately higher ball flight and your swing path will be closer to the horizontal plane for more distance and with less tendency to “slice”. 

The one “rookie” mistake when teeing it high is to place the club directly behind the ball during set-up. This practically guarantees a shot that’s popped-up into the jet stream (which really makes the FAA mad). But with proper set up, you can add an extra 20 accurate yards to your drives.

So while your golf buddies spend three or four hundred bucks on new equipment trying to get a few extra yards from their drives, you’ll be getting an extra 20 yards with a 2-cent wooden tee.

Not bad. Give it a try!

Doc O’Leary
Head Golf Nut